Tag Archives: Percy

Looks Who’s Back!

Long time no see, I know. You could say I’ve been searching for a focus. Not really, but maybe. I was procrastinating on an entirely epic level. I’m back and a little bit more me.

Let’s start off today with what I’m supposed to be working on.  This is a baby blanket for a very handsome little boy born last week. I started this blanket in May. Or April. Either way, it sat in this bag for most of the summer. I’ll get to it this weekend because I’ve given myself a deadline of Tuesday morning to complete it and deliver. (I’ll let you know Tuesday if my lofty goal was reached.)

What I should be doing right now

Where we’re from

I was inspired to create this really neat map art featured on Kayla Danelle to create my own personalized version for our home. I was a little concerned about cutting out the states, but that ended up being easier than I expected. (Texas, oh Texas. You were the most difficult.)

It’s not framed yet because I’m not exactly happy with Texas being so small. Yes, I know that this is silly, but Texas is not smaller than Nevada! My husband thinks I should print out Rhode Island for this project as a joke because it’s just as large.  When my inner native Texan comes to terms with sharing equal space with other states, I’ll frame my new map art. Until then, it’s just going to sit on my computer desk with Texas on top, of course.

To end today’s post, I’m going to leave you with a little narrative of Percy, the new Sheltie puppy in our lives. I’ve started posting non-political stories on my Facebook page as a joke to counteract the political posts appearing during this lovely election season and this is one I might use in a few weeks.

Meet Percy. He likes to nap on the tile. Not that I blame him because it’s a record 104 today. In September. I hate you, Texas summers, he’s saying….. oh wait. Are you taking photos of me cuddling your flip flops?

Don’t pay attention to the cat toy I’ve claimed as my own.

He’s thinking here that if you’re going to take my photo, I need to sit up a little. Are you going to get mad at me for eating your shoes again? I promise I’m just sleeping with it.

I use this look when I’m begging. It still doesn’t get me table food.

After many photos of semi-cute poses, he finally plopped back down on the tile. He’s thinking, you don’t want to play with me. You’ve taken a ridiculous amount of photos and I give up.  I’m going to take my nap now.

You obviously forgot I need to nap for hours every day.