It’s Burning a Hole in My Pocket..

Yes, yes, I know I promised pictures. I’ll try tomorrow. My photo taking location is currently crowded with library books and Girl Scout handbooks due to me trying to plan this week’s meeting. Enough excuses! The point of this post is to ask all of you a question…

Let’s say your name was Tiffany and you received a $50 American Express gift card for your birthday. You received other gift cards but spent that money at Crate & Barrel and Target, respectively, feeding your kitchen gear fetish. You want to (a) buy handmade/indie, (b) buy something involving yarn (not limited to just yarn per se, but the use, display, storage of said yarn as in, hooks, needles [remember earlier post regarding knitting – socks only for me], totes, pre-made, etc.), and (c) if it’s crochet, I’ve been searching for a challenge that doesn’t involve an overwhelming amount of yarn (only $50 to spend) and an overwhelming amount of time. What would you suggest? Please post ideas and a link if available. If I can’t resist what you suggest and are soon bragging about my birthday present, I promise to make you something handmade as a present. Disclaimer: To save myself from freaking out over a deadline to get something to you promptly, I most likely will start the handmade present after the holidays have passed and mailed off a few packages that need to be mailed off from the summer now that I’ve found my once-lost packed and moved box of said packages.

I’ve been browsing my rss feeds tonight, Ravelry, and Etsy looking for gifts and have come up blank. What I’m afraid of is heading off to Michael’s or Jo-Ann tomorrow and just spending without coming home with anything that I will actually love, enjoy and/or use. My other fear is hitting the Girl Scout Store and spending it on various things that I’ve been wanting to pick up for the girls, like the too cute Girl Scout Groovy Girls.

Quick side question – For those of you in Ravelry, how can this look like it has drape and no chunk (chunkiness? It’s late therefore I get to make up words), but be made with worsted weight yarn and a small hook? I’m still tempted to make it one day so it’s going in the queue.

Now playing: Cross Canadian Ragweed – Bang My Head
via FoxyTunes

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4 thoughts on “It’s Burning a Hole in My Pocket..

  1. Julie November 15, 2007 at 11:31 am Reply

    Sock yarn sock yarn sock yarn. Depending on how careful you are, that could be three pair of socks right there! ;o)

    And happy birthday again. :o)

    The sweater looks to me as if it’s crocheted ribbing, yes? If so, using a G hook with CSS is certainly going to give you nice drape. I always felt CSS stitched up more like a DK weight yarn anyway, certainly closer than a true WW yarn. I really like it too!

  2. Deneen November 15, 2007 at 1:39 pm Reply

    Iam with Julie-sock yarn for sure-however you could pick up lots of TLC Cotton Plus and make something really nice for yourself too-or dolike me, make a vest type top using a good quality yarn…decisions.

    I love that sweater you linked to-CSS does havea nice drape-in fact, I plan to an Amy O’Neill Houck modular vest using CSS (same colorway)because of the drapability of it and cost effectiveness. Her original pattern called for Blue Sky Alpaca, but #1 alpaca makes me itchy and #2 it may be too warm-

  3. Deneen November 15, 2007 at 1:39 pm Reply

    Oh my, Happy belated birthday too!

  4. kathleen November 26, 2007 at 8:51 pm Reply

    A ‘G’ hook with Caron Simply Soft is the perfect pairing for me. An H hook makes it too loose. The Simply Soft is worsted but a bit lighter than, say, Red Heart – so it works well with a small(ish) hook.

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