Category Archives: Crafts

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And finally…. ME (just much, much smaller)

Birds of a Feather Wreath Tutorial

One of my favorite blogs, Dollar Store Crafts, inspired me to create my first craft tutorial. I’ve started making regular trips to my local Dollar Tree searching for random items both for crafting and my Girl Scout troop. On my trip this week, I found a great supply of Spring goodies to make an Easter wreath. This is an easy project that just requires a little less than an hour of your time and a glue gun.


(Outside of the glue gun and glue sticks, I picked up all of my supplies for $1 each at either Dollar Tree or Michaels)

  • glue gun (had on hand) + glue sticks
  • Bamboo circle wreath
  • Spring color pom poms
  • Foam glitter egg decorations
  • 2 Foam Birds
  • Spring flower ribbon


Gather your supplies. For an extra bit of entertainment, keep them on the dining room table to wait on your husband’s reaction. Mine, still not accepting of girlie and all things cute after 12 years of being together, said, “Oh no. What are you doing???” It made me smile that secret “It’s going to be even MORE cutesy now mister!” smile.

I started with the pom poms. I placed 3 or 4 dots of hot glue  on the wreath and then placed the pom poms on the glue. I tried a few where I’d place the glue on the pom pom first, but then I’d panic and not know where to place the poor glued pom pom. Glue first, then pom pom was a better option .As you can see here, I clumped them together at the beginning and then spread them out because I liked it better.

It didn’t take long to finish all of my pom poms. I love the colors. 🙂 There’s no real order to placing the pom poms other than making sure not to place the same colors next to each other. I did not cover the back. It would have taken another package. I had just the right amount to make a nice even surface.

After the pom poms, start adding the eggs. As you can see, I added them in pairs. The package came with 8 eggs in four different colors. I removed the ribbons from the ornaments. Since the eggs are foam, a little tug and the ribbons came right out. I made sure to place the egg where the hole from the ribbon would either be glued or concealed from sight.

My foam eggs did not weigh much. It’s best to glue a pair of eggs and then hold in place until they have a little stability or they’ll pop up and find their own home on the wreath.

The final step is to add the birds. I placed them near the center of the wreath.

I removed the wires from the birds and just hot glued them into place. Again, they’re made of foam and won’t stay still unless you hold them in place to set the glue a bit. I thought about placing them kissing but I had to draw the line at just mostly cute and not super cute. (I have a husband’s cuteness allergy to consider.)

The finished product…..

Super easy and super cute. 🙂  Only a few weeks until it’s officially Spring!

Valentine’s Wreath

The girls and I made this wonderful Valentine’s Day wreath using The Thriftress‘ tutorial.  It was incredibly easy and a great project for us today on this crazy snow day in Fort Worth.

My total project expense was $5.24. I used a paper towel roll, 2 toilet paper rolls, and only bought a can of red spray paint, glitter, and ribbon. It would be a great project at a Girl Scout meeting!


We live in the host city for the AFC Championship team during the Super Bowl and we’re also huge Pittsburgh Steelers fans. Mad was dying for a Steeler Nation scarf of her own and the progress on my knit scarf wasn’t progressing at a pace to keep her happy. We compromised and made a trip to pick up a bit of fleece.

I make her take it off when she goes to bed, but otherwise she’s decked out in black and gold all day long. It was a super easy project! I used 1/3 yard each of black and gold fleece (30% off at Hobby Lobby!), cut in half lengthwise. I stacked the four pieces on top of each other then sewed up the middle, backstitching at the beginning and end. I cut one inch strips, making sure to stay at least a 1/2 inch from the stitching.  Fluff it up and you’re ready to go!


On Day One of our week long “Icepocalypse” here in Fort Worth, we played a lot of board games. At the end of Day Four, I’d give anything for a few moments of alone time!  Back on that lovely first day at home, we were in the midst of a massive attack of Zombies (one of our favorite games) when I remembered that two years ago I started knitting a scarf in Steelers colors. With the Big Game this weekend here in our own Metroplex, I had to get back to work! I’m about 30 rows from completing it as of today, but at the time, I’d only completed 30 rows.

Look how huge the knitting needles look next to those terrifying little zombies!

Feeling Frugal

Laura and I have decided tonight that we need to make these gorgeous little tealights as seen on Dollar Store Crafts..  We have the LED Tealights, fabric stiffener, plenty of cardboard rolls and plastic wrap. Bring on the thread, baby!

I love Craft Leftovers. I love how she comes up with amazing ideas involving sewing, knitting, and crochet.  It has been so hot lately that all I want to do craftwise is anything that lets me sit under the ceiling fan set to high.  If I can get someone to hold open and flip the pages in whichever Stephanie Plum novel I’m reading (I’ve started over at the beginning of the series, just because.) while I make several of the Tribble Trivets, life would be good.

We have registered for school. My hand is well and cramped by the time I start the second child’s paperwork. My signature looks like I think I’m famous.  Three weeks to go until the first day of school, but I think the girls are ready.  I know I am ready to re-enter the world of being a substitute teacher.  I did have one interview for a position early in the summer, but did not get an offer.  It was disappointing, but not nearly as much as not having anything since.  I know there is a teaching position for me, but it is not to be this school year.